1- Procedure Award Execution
Record No. 528940 (2008)
Principle: The decision on the implementation (exequatur) of arbitration award in international commercial matters belongs to the jurisdiction of the urgency matters.
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (إجراءات تنفيذ تحكيم دولي)
2- Procedure Ruling Execution
Record No. 620974 (2011):
Principle: The debtor must perform its obligations in kind whenever possible. The debtor is judged to compensate the damage he caused by making the enforcement impossible.
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (إجراءات تنفيذ حكم قضائي)
3- Procedure Customs Seizure
Record No. 620643 (2011):
Principle: The owner of goods worth compensatory interest in case of the goods are unjustly seized by customs administration - without legal grounds – The help of an expert is not binding for the competent jurisdiction to calculate the compensatory interest in case of the evidence of elements account are provided and are not disputed.
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (إجراءات حجز جمركي)
4- Procedure Contract Execution
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (إجراءات حجز عقد الثقاف)
5- Offence against State Company
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic(اختلاس في مؤسسة عمومية)
6-Lease Tenure Security
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (إيجار حق البقاء)
7- Lease an Inherited Assets
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (إيجار لا تركة)
8- Company Transfer of Shares
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (شركة إحالة حصص)
9- Company Liquidation
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic(شركة تصفية)
10- Company in Hands of Receiver
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (شركة حراسة قضائية)
11- Company (Proof of)
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (شركة عقد إثبات)
12- Company Manager Contract
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (شركة عقد مع مسير)
13- Company Join-Venture
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (شركة محاصة)
14- Employee Dismissal
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (عامل تسريح)
15- Employee Housing
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (عامل سكن وظيفي)
16- Employee Partner
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (عامل صفة شريك)
17- Staff Strike Formalities
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (عمال إضراب إجراءات)
18- Staff Strike Fault
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (عمال إضراب خطأ)
19- Staff Reduction Convention
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (عمال تقليص باتفاق)
20- Staff Reduction
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (عمال تقليص)
21- Staff Overwork by Night
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (عمل إضافي أو ليلي)
22- Employee Embassy: no Immunity
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic(عمل عقد حصانة)
23- Fixed Term Employment
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (عمل عقد محدد المدة)
24- Professional Player Contract
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (عمل لاعب محترف)
25- Currency of Compensation
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (عملة التعويض)
26- Towing Ship Liability
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (نقل السفينة القاطرة)
27- Ship-owner’s Agent Liability
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (نقل بحري وكيل السفينة)
28- Ship-owner Liability
Click to read the original Decision in Arabic (نقل مجهز السفينة)