Subsequent to the OECD Convention against bribery and corruption, the UN have another global convention in the field. UN Global Compact had immediately followed suit and presented its tenth principle in addition to the principles on human rights and environment. The curbing of corruption will with these developments reach un-precedented hights and business forms a major, if not the most important stakeholder, in this development.Experience has shown that corruption and bribery is a challenge that companies face, not only in the economic developing world, but also when conducting business in western societies.Anti-corruption measures is part of the economic bottom line, and as such an integrated part of corporate responsible strategies and corporate governance.In this field, Lawhouse provides companies with:
- Tailor made policies and strategies, taking into consideration the size of the company and its markets
- Establishment of codes of conduct
- Establishment of tripartite partnerships to avoid corruption in known corrupt countries
- Advises on national and international legislation on bribery and corruption
In collaboration with its partners Lawhouse will also be able to perform on-site assessments on possible occurrences of corruption or bribery.It shall be noticed that the attorney-client privilege ensure full confidentiality in most jurisdictions.